Beautiful and Functional Garden Fences: A Fencing BlogBeautiful and Functional Garden Fences: A Fencing Blog

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Beautiful and Functional Garden Fences: A Fencing Blog

Welcome to my blog. I don't want to 'fence you in', but I hope you get comfortable and stay for a long time. Hi, my name is Kristina, and I love to garden. However, like most gardeners in Australia, I am always looking for new and innovative ways to keep deer and other pests out of my garden. Over the years, I have found a lot of fencing tricks and strategies. In this blog, I plan to share fencing advice and a few fun puns with you. I hope my posts help your garden to flourish and stay safe. Thanks for reading.

Latest Posts

Choosing a Design for Your Home's Picket Fence
11 July 2023

One type of barrier you might be considering for t

4 Essential Factors to Consider When Choosing and Installing Automatic Gates on Your Property
14 December 2022

In recent years, automatic gates have gained popul

Need A New Fence? 5 Things To Consider When Choosing Your Fencing
26 May 2022

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3 Crucial Tips When Shopping for Your Chain Mesh Fencing Supplies
2 December 2021

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Why Aluminium Fences Are an Excellent Choice for Residential Pools
8 July 2021

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The Pros and Cons of an Ornamental Aluminum Pool Fence

There are many pool fencing options that you can choose from (such as wooden fences, PVC fences and ornamental aluminum fences). You need to think carefully about the strengths and shortcomings of each fencing option before you make a final choice. Read on and discover the pros and cons of an ornamental aluminum pool fence. The Pros It is very durable. Aluminum ranks very high on the durability scale when compared to materials like wood. Read More 

5 Ways to Stop Your Dog Digging Near Your Fence

Digging is a perfectly normal doggie trait. It's an adaptive behaviour that's seen in the wild and ingrained into their instinct. When dogs dig they are simply carrying out one of their natural, predisposed functions. Digging around fences and gates, however, can cause problems. This is not only harmful to the foundations, but could be a sign that your dog wants to escape. Place Rocks Around the Fence Place rocks at the base of your fence in areas where your dog likes to dig. Read More 

Five Things You Need to Know About Adding Etched Designs to Glass Pool Fencing

If you are considering buying an etched glass pool fence from a company like Mermaid Fencing or adding etching to your existing glass pool fence, there are several things you should know about etched glass. Before you make a final decision, here are five facts you may not know about etched glass pool fencing. 1. Etched glass provides privacy If you love the light that comes in through glass pool fencing but also want privacy, etched glass pool fencing is the best option. Read More 

How to Set Up Rot-Free Timber Fencing

The natural appeal and durability of timber makes it an indisputable option for fencing. However, timber fences are subject to plenty of abuse from harsh weather conditions such as hail, sun, snow and rainfall. Furthermore, continued soil to wood exposure often leads to gradual deterioration of timber, causing rotting on the ground. This article explains the best technique adopted by timber fencing contractors to set up rot-free timber fences much to the delight of homeowners. Read More 

5 Steps in Proper Wood Fence Maintenance

You've spent thousands of dollars and loads of time choosing your style of fence and watching it be installed by your fencing contractor.  Now you're reaping the reward of a private outdoor space that you plan to enjoy for years to come. However, chances are the work for you may have only begun.  Every wood fence requires proper care and maintenance to keep up its appearance and effectiveness. Step 1: Staining Your New Fence Read More